Atheism Not Unpatriotic – But Minority Rule Is
Atheism as a philosophical point of view is neither unpatriotic nor un-American. However, when atheists seek to have something of a religious nature removed from the public square without the consent...
View ArticleRick Santorum’s Theology Trumps Barack Obama’s
President Obama does not miss an opportunity to proclaim his “Christianity” and use that as a basis for why taxes ought to be raised. And while the Left is comfortable with that, they wither into...
View ArticleIt’s The Econ, Er, Birth Control, Stupid?
At least Democrats, and Barack Obama, are hoping the 2012 election will be more about birth control and contraception, and less about the economy, taxes, higher and higher gas prices, and all the...
View ArticleMore “Sharia Of The Mouth” From Muslims
If an America Muslim kills an American citizen who happens to, in that Muslim’s view, criticize or offend Islam, under Sharia law that killing would then be justified. This is what some Muslims are...
View ArticleOnly The Prophet Mohammad Can Save Youcef Naderkhani’s Life Now – It’s Not...
Death to the “infidel’ they shout in Iran. Always death to this or that in Islamic strongholds. Islam is more a respecter of death than it is of life. They prove that every single day, in their own...
View ArticleWho Would Vote For A Mormon For President?
There is still that unnerving sentiment, that irascible fear, that inescapable twitching cradled deep within the conscience of conservative America that will not go away, that will not stop pestering...
View ArticleThe Un”reason”able, Irrational Aspect of Richard Dawkins’ Reason Rally – Says...
March 24th, in Washington D.C. there will be held a Reason Rally. The point of the rally, however, has not so much to do with reason, but rather is another vain show of contempt for religion and...
View ArticleArianna Nation’s (HuffPost) Pathetic And Hypocritical Pseudo-Concern For The...
Shaima Alawadi, an Iraqi woman living in California is dead from a severe beating by the hands of a yet unknown assailant(s). A note was found at her side which read, “go back to your own country”....
View ArticleIf This Passes For “Reason”, Atheists Are FU***D!
Well, the infamous “Reason Rally” has come and gone. That was the little event where atheists and non-believers were supposed to gather together and show how much more adults they are than Christians,...
View ArticleThe Southern Poverty Law Center – A Hate Organization That Needs To Be Abolished
UPDATE: MORE REASON TO ABOLISH THE SPLC The Southern Poverty Law Center has come out and condemned Louden County Supervisor, Eugene Delgaudio, and his group, Public Advocate of the United States, as...
View ArticleNo Charges, No Outrage, For Two Americans Who Burned The Holy Qur’an; Let Go,...
Two Americans who burned a holy book on church property, they said for an art class which instructed them to “do something highly controversial”, and because they don’t agree with the faith or its...
View ArticleProfanity, Ad Hominem Attacks, Tim Minchin and Reason
Tim Minchin made a fool of himself and of secularism at the Reason Rally last week, and showed himself to be the real bigot, by interjecting vulgar and coarse profanity aimed at the Pope. If that...
View ArticleChallenge Evolution With Legitimate Questions – Not With Semantics
In Tennessee, a bill dubbed the “monkey bill” is on its way to becoming law – if Tennessee Governor, Bill Haslam (a Republican) signs it when it reaches his desk. The bill is meant to allow...
View ArticleAtheists Desperately Want Bibles, Use Porn As Fair Trade
Atheists want Christians to trade in their Bibles for pornography. “Smut for smut” they call it. Could this actually be some Freudian ploy on their part? Could it be that atheists are really...
View ArticleAtheists Nail Themselves To The Cross, Crucify Themselves – But For What Cause?
If the message of Christianity is salvation from Earthly sin through Christ, and if hundreds of millions of people around the world adhere to that message, is the best, most “reason”able and articulate...
View ArticlePlanned Parenthood Is Praying, Literally, For The Death Of Unborn Children
It’s apparently hard times for Planned Parenthood, and they are hurting, financially, as more women choose life for their unborn children rather than the sought after death that pro-abortion supporters...
View ArticleControversial Muslim Photo: Will It Lead To More Muslim Massacres Around The...
Muslims went ballistic and killed people when a cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammad was published . Muslims went ballistic and killed people when Qur’ans were burned. A new photograph has surfaced...
View Article“CCOKCS” Are “CCUNTTS”: Kirk Cameron, Homosexuality And Hollywood Has-beens
A lot of backlash has sprouted up over Kirk Cameron’s comments about homosexuality. First, here is what Kirk said that has ignited a firestorm of hate and anti-Christian bigotry. (And remember, from...
View ArticlePsychopath Sandra Fluke; Her Spoiled Little Brat Syndrome
Being 30 years old has not stopped Sandra Fluke from acting a lot like a spoiled little brat. You know, the child that doesn’t get her way so she throws a tantrum until she does get her way; the child...
View ArticleGet Over It! Mutilating Girls Is Not Just A Rite – It’s A Right! (Or Do You...
"happy" girl undergoing FGM Accept it – mutilating girls, in their teens and barely out of the womb, cutting and slicing their genitals with a precision learned over hundreds of generations, sewing...
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