Death to the “infidel’ they shout in Iran. Always death to this or that in Islamic strongholds. Islam is more a respecter of death than it is of life. They prove that every single day, in their own countries around the world, when they blow themselves up, and as many others as they can, in homicide bombings and other coordinated attacks on civilians and military personnel. They kills themselves and others for the littlest, the most trivial, the most asinine of reasons. And they very, very often hide themselves behind women and children when they are being attacked. We must therefore conclude that reason itself is as foreign to them as their illogical insanity is to us. Has the religion of “peace” ever actually been at peace with anyone – including themselves?
It isn’t as though reason has never been introduced to them, or a forbidden or prohibited practice in Islam. If the ability to reason, and understand what reason is and how to appropriately apply it in situations is a human trait – or even if it is a trait of life itself – what does that tell you about Muslims who never listen to reason, never act upon reason, never are themselves reasonable in anything they say or do?
What does it say about Muslims, about the religion of “peace” that is about to execute a man, an Iranian pastor, a Muslim turned Christian whose only “crime” was that he became a Christian after he had been a Muslim? What does it say about a nation, so entrenched in a religious fundamentalism, which is also devoid of reason? Is it any wonder why Youcef Naderkhani changed religions? Is it any wonder why he, and others, have abandoned a religion which rejects reason for a religion that embraces it? For that, the Islamic controlled nation of Iran wants to kill Youcef, hold him up as an example as to what happens, and what will happen, to others in Iran should they too have any wild thoughts of reason, compassion, rationality, peace.
The U.S. government, the European Union and human rights organizations have repeatedly urged the Iranian leadership to release him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cannot save Youcef, or he is unwilling, or he is afraid of retribution from the mullahs, the Ayatollah and other Islamic religious fanatics in his country. Even Barack Obama cannot save Youcef, else he would have already made the call. Or perhaps he has made the call, but his influence has diminished and waned, or was never really all that great, or as great as we were originally lead to believe it was. If they cannot save Youcef, if no other governmental agency on Earth can save Youcef, only the Prophet Mohammad can. Only the Prophet Mohammad, whether through divine intervention, or through a rereading of the Qur’an to find the passage that would condemn unreasonable execution, such as killing a Muslim turned Christian, can save Youcef now,
Either such a passage exists within the Qur’an or it does not. Either the Prophet Mohammad would support the execution of Youcef, or he would condemn it and call it barbaric and anti-Islam. But what if such a passage does not exist? What if the Prophet Mohammad does support the execution of Youcef? What if Islam, the religion of “peace”, has nothing to say at all about killing someone for changing religions? What if the religion of “peace” does have something to say about Youcef converting from Islam to Christianity? What if the religion of “peace” itself condemns anyone, any Muslim, who converts from Islam to another religion? What if the religion of “peace”, and the Prophet Mohammad, demand Youcef be executed?
Either executing Youcef is an insult and injurious to Islam or it is a compliment and a credit to Islam. Either executing Youcef exemplifies Islam or it degrades Islam. Either executing Youcef is a reasonable Islamic response and action or it is Islamic insanity and barbarism. Either executing Youcef embodies the whole of Islam, and the whole meaning of Islam from its foundation, or someone, somewhere within the history of Islam has corrupted and twisted the true meaning of Islam and turned it into a religion in which would see the Prophet Mohammad spinning in his grave.
Either only the Prophet Mohammad and Allah know, or – there is some vestige of what we in the West call reason engrained within Islam and in the minds of Muslims, and they are smart enough to know what the Qur’an really says about executing a man, like Youcef, for converting from Islam to Christianity.
Whether reason exists within Islam, or not, we all will know for certain one way or another. The outcome of what ultimately happens to Youcef will provide us with a definite and absolute answer to this most puzzling and perplexing question.
One way or another – what more proof will we need to know what Islam really stands for and what it really means to be a Muslim?
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Filed under: Islam, politics, religion Tagged: Iranian law, Islam, islam christianity, Islamic fundementalism, Muslim converts, pastor death sentence, poltics, Prophet Mohammad, Qur'an and execution, Youcef Nadarkhani, Youcef Nadarkhani execution